Pain isn’t the only indicator of wellness for sickle cell.
Complications like hemolysis, organ damage, pulmonary hypertension, depression, and more can be ongoing and debilitating for individuals. Learn more about the quiet side of sickle cell.
A knowledgeable team is critical for good sickle cell care. OneSCDVoice offers insights on how to build your medical team.
Information about complications from the CDC.
Tips and tools for managing sickle cell from
Sickle cell pathophysiology and complications from Pfizer (for medical professionals).​​​
The information on this page is not to be taken as medical advice. Please consult with your medical professional to discuss your situation and the care that's best for you. If you don't have a medical professional who specializes in sickle cell care, try reaching out to your local sickle cell CBO (community-based organization) for referrals.